Vapers Helping Vapers

Vapers Helping Vapers

AVCA is truly a grassroots organization and our success depends completely on community involvement and support.  If you currently use...



We finally have a new government, including our new Minister of Health (David Clark) and two new associate Ministers of...

One Small Step…

One Small Step…

Have to admit here that we are all still a bit in shock over todays’ announcement from the MP Nicky...

Harm Reduction Message from NZ Government.

Harm Reduction Message from NZ Government.

Government Subsidies for Smokers to make the Switch to Vaping for Harm Reduction AVCA was greatly pleased to see MP...

The longer we wait…

The longer we wait…

Currently, we have been dealing with various issues on the ground surrounding the easy & ready availability of nicotine e...

Hello World!

Hello World!

AVCA is now officially registered as Charity in New Zealand. Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy (AVCA) is pleased to announce that...

Update on Ministry of Health Guidance/Information & WHO CoP7

Update on Ministry of Health Guidance/Information & WHO CoP7

As most here in NZ know by now, the Ministry of Health has updated their information on e-cigarettes for health...

Global Nicotine Consumer Advocacy Alliance:  INNCO

Global Nicotine Consumer Advocacy Alliance: INNCO

Global Nicotine Consumer Advocacy Alliance Launches AVCA is pleased to announce that the International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO),...

AVCA Submission on Drug Utensils Policy: Vapourisers

AVCA Submission on Drug Utensils Policy: Vapourisers

Some may be wondering why a Vapers Advocacy Group would be making a submission on the Drug Utensils Policy in...

AVCA addresses “Big Three” Concerns regarding ENDS

AVCA addresses “Big Three” Concerns regarding ENDS

At the beginning of August, Steve and I were invited down to Wellington to speak about AVCA, present copies of...

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